Thanking My Way Through the Day
Every morning, upon rising, I open the shutters to my bedroom. This is the first view of the day for me, and it never gets old.
This view covers the pool in our backyard along with trees of all kinds, trees that hug the perimeter of our fence. It’s a beautiful sight, and I thank God I get to see it. What a wonderful backyard to wake up to.
But, if I'm being honest, I forget to thank God for everything He gives me. All the time.
Even my paradisical backyard.
Sure, I am grateful for the food I eat, a roof over my head, and the health of my kids and husband, but do I consistently thank Him for it? I realize we’re not judged on thanking Him. But, even getting to thank Him goes by the wayside for me.
As I was reading through Genesis the other day, I noticed Abraham built alters as a way of thanking God for his provision. God appears to Abraham and tells him his future will be bright with a great nation following him, and Abraham (Abram) builds an altar. When Abraham is tested by God by sacrificing his son, he builds an altar. When he talks to his Nephew Lot about where to live, he lets Lot pick first, then settles where Lot isn’t, and then builds an altar to God in thanks.
The alters of thankfulness are constant!
So, while I may not need to build alters if Abraham is any indicator of how to interact with God, I should give thanks everywhere I turn. As the day progresses, I have a near miss on the road with another car, or I finish my work and am happy with how the day went, I should thank God. Even if the day is horrible, I should thank God for being there with me through it all.
My very breath, my very life, should be in constant reverence and gratitude because He is the one who has given it all to me. And I should be in constant awe over it.
Loudly, quietly, written, in thought or prayer, I need to acknowledge my thanks for his provision every day, all the time, day in and out. I have nothing without Him.
“From there, he went on toward the hills east of Bethel and pitched his tent, with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east. There he built an altar to the Lord and called on the name of the Lord (Genesis 12:8, NIV).
Finch Food for Thought: How often do you thank God?